
This section provides information on projects being financed fully or partially with HRF funding. 

Of the total US$ 401.40 million in funds contributed to the HRF, the Steering Committee has made cumulative funding decisions totaling US$ 397.91 million for 31 (project costs including fees).

The following table provides a brief overview of the projects financed by HRF to date. Project summaries and full project documents are available under projects documentation.

Out of the total US$342.4 million in approved recipient executed grants (project costs including fees), 37 percent of funding is being channeled through the UN as Partner Entity, 39 percent is channeled through the World Bank, and for 24 percent of the approved grants, the IDB serves as the Partner Entity.


Project Name Total Project Amount
(US$ million)
HRF Contribution
(US$ million)
Project Development Objective Partner Entity Steering Committee Approval Date* IHRC Concept Note Number
Haiti Emergency Development Policy Operation (Budget Support) 55 25 Support enhanced accountability and transparency in the management of public resources in the context of the reconstruction. WB 17-Jun-10 P118239
Program to Establish a Partial Credit Guarantee Fund 35 12.5 Contribute to the rehabilitation of the Haitian productive sector by establishing a partial credit guarantee fund to allow enterprises to restructure bank-debt obligations and facilitating continued access to finance. IDB 17-Aug-10 CN/000048
Debris Management Project 16.95 16.95 Contribute to the rehabilitation of urban areas of Port-au-Prince devastated by the earthquake, by setting up a recycling system, removing and processing debris. UN 17-Aug-10 CN/000046
Disaster Risk Reduction in the South Department 11 8 Contribute to disaster risk reduction through the development and management of watershed basins, employment generation and agricultural development in the Southern Department. UN 21-Oct-10 CN/000154
Natural Disaster Mitigation in the South Department 34 14 Reducing environmental and socio-economic vulnerability to natural disasters for the population living in the Ravine du Sud and Cavaillon. IDB 21-Oct-10 CN/000145
Haiti Southwest Sustainable Development Programme 14 8 First phase of a 20-year recovery and sustainable development program for the southwest region of the southern peninsula. UN 21-Oct-10 CN/000182
Reconstruction of the Education Sector 81 10 Supporting the Government in ensuring that the necessary conditions are in place for rebuilding the education sector over the next 20 years and to work towards the goal of creating a publicly funded education system. IDB 15-Dec-10 CN/000147
Demolition and Debris Removal with Heavy Equipment 25 25 Demolition of buildings and the removal of debris with heavy equipment to expedite the construction of shelters and houses to allow the relocation of internally displaced people.  UN 15-Dec-10 CN/000210
Capacity Building for Disaster Risk Management 2 2 Increase the capacity of the Government to prepare for and manage disaster risk by reinforcing the capacity of the Department of Civil Protection and by rehabilitating and building evacuation centers in priority areas. UN 15-Dec-10 CN/000361
Port-au-Prince Neighbourhood Housing Reconstruction Project 65 65 Enable the return of internally displaced people to their communities by investing in urban upgrading programs in heavily damaged communities in Port-au-Prince and by supporting the rebuilding of homes and infrastructure in these communities. WB 15-Dec-10 CN/000208
Housing and Neighborhood Reconstruction Support Program 30.77 24.67 This Program is intended to provide some of the most basic tools and systems that the central and local government, the IHRC, and their partners need to program and manage the resources pledged for housing and neighborhood reconstruction.  UN 1-Mar-11 CN/000397
Earthquake Prevention Plan for the North of Haiti 9.96 9.96 The objective of the project is to reduce the vulnerability of the North-East, North and Northwest against seismic threats by strengthening the resilience of the infrastructure and population in order to minimize economic losses and human lives during future earthquakes. UN 1-Mar-11 CN/000408
IHRC Capacity Building Program 1 1 The project aims to strengthen the operational capacities of the IHRC to improve communication components, legal, and information management processes for the review and monitoring of projects and other needs to build capacity for the proper functioning of the Institution. UN 5-Apr-11 CN/000435
Targeted Budget Support Operation 15 15 The Budget Support operation would provide resources to finance key budgetary expenditures in the education and agriculture sectors for the fiscal years 2010-2011 and 2011-2012. The budget support would be channeled through the budget and would reimburse specific pre-identified expenses. WB 27-Apr-11 CN/000473
16 Neighborhoods/
6 Camps 
78.93 30 This integrated program is designed to rehabilitate the neighborhoods of origin of the displaced families living in six priority camps in Port-au-Prince, Pétionville and Delmas by providing to the displaced, as well as to the residents of those neighborhoods sustainable housing solutions and improved living conditions through better access to basic services and livelihoods.  UN 30-Aug-11 CN/000519
Support to the Implementation of the Education plan and Reform in Haiti 61 5 This project aims to improve the employability of young people and strengthen the human resource base in various departments through the re-engineering of training programs in key economic sectors and infrastructure upgrade for a public training center. IDB 31-0ct-11 CN/000147
Development of Milk Production and Processing in Haiti 17 2 The project objective is the creation of 30 milk processing plants (6 of them with cheese production units), managed by farmers' organizations. In addition, the project will provide milk and cheese for school feeding programs.  UN 31-Oct-11 CN/000373
Environmental Protection of the Macaya National Park            
Sustainable Energy for Haiti            
Institutional Transformation and Modernization of the Energy Sector III (PBG)            
TVET Education Project            
Budget Support Operation - Water and Sanitation             
Budget Support Operation - Transport            
Péligre-Port-au-Prince Transmission Line project            
Productive Infrastructure Program III            
2015 Haitian Elections            
Seeds Production            
Dairy Production                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     $1.3M                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          The goal of Phase II of the project is to consolidate the achievements of Phase I and at the same time extend the good practices of the first phase to more dairies and beneficiaries. The targeted areas are in 6 departments (North, Artibonite, Grand Anse, West, South, and Southeast) and consist of 11 dairies and 1000 cow milk producers. FAO in collaboration with MARNDR    
Vocational School Project            
Health Service Management Project            
Budget Support Operation - Economic Reconstruction and Growth Development Policy Grant            


All approved projects are in line with the priorities set out in the Government’s Action Plan for National Recovery and Development of Haiti. The current HRF portfolio is both sectorally and geographically diverse, reflecting the multidimensional nature of the reconstruction effort and the broad range of financing needs. By channeling HRF funding to priorities identified in the Action Plan, the operations approved to date provide strategic financing to fill identified funding gaps for a number of key sectors. The below figures provide an overview of the financing gaps for selected priority sectors identified in the Government’s Action Plan and the funding provided by the HRF to fill these financing gaps.