Haiti Reconstruction Fund
The HRF will be governed by a Steering Committee that is chaired by a representative named by the Government of Haiti. The Steering Committee will consist of the following members:
b) a representative from each Donor making the minimum contribution to the HRF of USD 30 million;
c) a representative from each Partner Entity (IDB, UN and World Bank); and
d) a representative of the Trustee as an ex-officio member.
A representative of the Government of Haiti serves as the chair of the Steering Committee and convenes its meetings. The Steering Committee decides on any changes to its size and composition.
Observers on the Steering Committee shall consist of the following:
a) a representative of international non-governmental organizations;
b) a representative of the private sector;
c) a representative of the Haitian Diaspora;
d) a representative of other development partners;
e) a representative of Haitian civil society; and
f) a representative of local government.
Steering Committee.
The Steering Committee will be responsible for:
- ensuring that the strategic orientation of the Trust Fund is guided by the principles of Haiti’s recovery, reconstruction and development needs as defined by the Government of Haiti’s Action Plan for Reconstruction and Development or a similar document for recovery,
- reconstruction and development approved by the Government of Haiti and operationalized through decisions of the IHRC;
- conducting discussions on a regular basis on the strategic orientation of the Trust Fund;
- establishing the criteria and requirements for Project and Program Proposals for consideration for funding from the Trust Fund;
- approving, rejecting or sending back for revision Projects and Program Proposals for consideration for funding from the Trust Fund;
- approving all allocations of HRF funds for Projects and Programs, the administrative budgets of the Secretariat and Trustee, and fees, and informing the Secretariat and the Trustee thereof;
- approving the common format for progress reports submitted by the Partner Entities;
- receiving and approving progress and financial reports as well as receiving a mid-term review from Partner Entities;
- ensuring that allocations to Partner Entities will be based on the Government of Haiti’s Action Plan for Reconstruction and Development and based on consideration of the guidance provided by the IHRC and later the Haiti Development Agency;
- reviewing all unaudited or audited financial reports and any other relevant financial information Single Audit reports on the finances of the Trust Fund received from the Trustee;
- deciding to instruct the Trustee to withhold disbursements to Partner Entities under the Transfer Agreements for the following reasons including but not limited to: (a) a substantial deviation from work plans and budgets approved by the Steering Committee; (b) failure of the Partner Entity to provide required reports;(c) evidence of financial mismanagement in Projects; or (d) noncompliance of any applicable terms as set forth in the Transfer Agreements;
- approving the operations manual;
- establishing any other subcommittee necessary for the Steering Committee to carry out its responsibilities effectively and efficiently; and
- exercising such other functions as the Steering Committee may deem appropriate to fulfill the purposes of the Fund.
Government of Haiti.
The Government of Haiti plays multiple roles with respect to the HRF. The Interim Haiti Reconstruction Commission (IHRC) reviews proposals for financing to ensure that they are consistent with the Action Plan and forwards them to the HRF. The IHRC also sets standards for recovery investments, coordinates donors (including the HRF), and manages the policy dialogue on reconstruction with the international community where the HRF will be an important player. The Minister of Finance serves as the chair of the Steering Committee. Finally, Government institutions will be important implementing agencies for HRF-financed activities.
Partner Entities.
Each Partner Entity (IDB, UNDP and WB) will be responsible for the use of funds transferred by the Trustee and activities carried out therewith in accordance with: (a) its own policies, guidelines, and procedures, including its framework to combat fraud and corruption; and (b) the applicable decisions of the Steering Committee, including the purpose for which the allocations of the funds have been approved as set out in the Transfer Agreement.
The employment and supervision of consultants and the procurement of goods and works financed by the Contributions shall be the responsibility solely of the Partner Entity and shall be carried out in accordance with its applicable policies and procedures. The Transfer Agreement shall provide that the resources of the Fund shall be used by the Partner Entity to finance expenditures for goods, works and services, as the case may be, in accordance with the Partner Entity’s procurement policies as in effect at the date of the Transfer Agreement.
Each Partner Entity will be responsible for monitoring and evaluation of activities financed by the HRF funds transferred to it in accordance with its regulations, rules, policies and procedures and in accordance with the Transfer Agreement.
Implementing Agencies.
Projects for which funding is channeled through the Government’s budget shall be implemented by a Government Line Agency or it's designated Implementing Agency that is permitted by a Partner Entity’s rules and procedures. Projects for which funding is not channeled through Government’s budget may be implemented by entities other than Government line agencies that are permitted by a Partner Entity’s rules and procedures.
IDA is serving as Trustee for the Trust Fund. IDA, in its capacity as the Trustee, has established the Trust Fund to receive contributions from Donors to the Trust Fund and will hold in trust, as a legal owner, and administer the funds, assets and receipts that constitute the HRF. The Trustee is accountable to the Steering Committee for the performance of its functions.
The Trustee will have no responsibility for the use of the Trust Fund funds transferred and Activities carried out therewith. In particular, the Trustee shall have no responsibility, fiduciary or otherwise, for the implementation or supervision of Activities financed by such funds, including without limitation, any duties and obligations that might otherwise apply to a fiduciary or trustee under general principles of trust or fiduciary law.
The Secretariat supports the work of the Steering Committee. The Secretariat is comprised of a small team of professional and administrative staff employed through the World Bank. The Secretariat will be headed by a program manager within the office of the Director of Strategy and Operations of the Latin America and the Caribbean Region of the World Bank.
The Secretariat is based in Haiti and is responsible for:
- receiving project and program proposals and funding requests from the IHRC for review by the Steering Committee;
- notifying the Trustee of funding requests approved by the Steering Committee;
- organizing meetings of the Steering Committee;
- drafting and circulating minutes of Steering Committee discussions;
- providing public information on Trust Fund Activities on a website to be created;
- offering guidance to the Partner Entities on the processes and requirements as laid out by the Steering Committee;
- receiving and consolidating annual reports on implementation results;
- receiving periodic operational reports submitted by the Partner Entities for distribution to the Steering Committee and Donors;
- drafting this operational manual;
- collaborating with the Trustee to ensure that the Trustee has all the information necessary to carry out its responsibilities; and
- performing any other functions assigned to it by a decision of the Steering Committee.